Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I really enjoyed my short jog along the woods this morning.  Actually, I was jogging in a Military Installation. Forest sorrounds many parts of the base so there is always alot of nature to see. I've seen cardinals, blue jays, snakes, alligators and a bear.  Fortunately, I was far enough from the alligator and bear so I didn't become their snack.  :) The bear and alligator run in happened sometime last May within a 10 minute time frame. Nature was definitely enjoying the weather and so was I.

Today, I think I saw a Bobcat cross in front of me at a distance. Too big for a house cat but perfect size for a Bobcat. Hmmmmm.......not really sure.

Anyway, I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. We didn't travel anywhere this time. In fact, we live far away from all extended family, so our family spent a quiet Thanksgiving at home.  It was very nice but quiet.

Today, it is gloomy, grey and a bit cold.  Not exactly the type of weather I expected for Florida but it does get cold here in the winter.

What am I working on today?  I will probably make some paper mache jewelry while I watch a movie. I think paper mache  jewelry is cute, colorful and fun to wear but it just takes so much time to make it.  :(  Therefore, I don't make it too often. When I do make it, I make about 5 different items in one sitting and then I don't make anymore for a few weeks. 

Well, I will close for now. Hope everyone enjoys their day!
